Born 12.08.1983 in Graz, Austria
Graduation from Highschool Kirchengasse BRG
Field of study – IT software engineer with graduation in 2002
Field of study – architecture at the Technical University in Graz
March 2006
Competition mind(21)factory
3rd Place
Jannuary 2007
Exhibiton to mind(21)factory in the museum of arts in Graz
February 2007 – September 2008
Architectural visualisazions for architect
DI. Jörg Fuchs
September 2007 – February2008
Participation and realization of ONE2ONE – minimal housing
Development of a minimal housing structure
Oktober 2007 – Jannuary 2011
Tutor at the TU Graz
Institute for Architecture and Media
Jannuary 2008 – May 2010
Architectural visualisazions for architect
Ernst Giselbrecht + Partner
since September 2008
3D artist and freelancer at SHOTSHOTSHOT motion design studio
since Oktober 2011
Under contract at SHOTSHOTSHOT motion design studio
Head of 3D department
February 2012
Graduation as Master of Science at the Technical University Graz in the field of architecture
Award of the honorary price at GAD Awards
October 2013 – June 2014
Participating in The Next Great Starship design competition
Top 4
Software knowledge:
3ds Max | AutoCAD | AfterEffects | Adobe Photoshop
Maya | Rhino | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Premiere | Mudbox | Processing
Fluency in german and english, and currently learning chinese

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